What are cookies?
This page gives you information about cookies. It has been created in order to explain what cookies are, how they are used on this website and how you can control them. Cookies are very small text files which store very small amounts of information. They are used to remember settings and preferences between visits to the site, as well as information between different pages on the same site. For security reasons, cookies can only be read by the site that set them. company has no access to cookies set on your computer by any website on the internet. However, through the use of third party cookies, it is possible for sites to collect information about visitors to other sites. For example, online advertisers may use third party cookies to anonymously track an individual’s visits to sites on the web. More information about how company allows third party cookies is given below.Information regarding Cookies
Essential cookies are required to support the functioning of the website. Generally, these cookies do not collect personal information. All other cookies are non-essential. These may collect your personal information. Non-essential cookies can be disabled within web browser settings prior to accessing the website. This may alter some functionality otherwise available on the website. Information regarding website usage is recorded by the Company for statistical purposes using analytics services. The information logged includes:- IP address
- date and time of accessing the website
- web pages accessed
- type of browser and operating system.